Yeah… How entitled are you? Do you NEED your parents money to get by? I barely make enough to afford rent and yet I still don’t ask my parents for shit. I love them will all my heart and they make good money.
But it’s money they earned, they are not obligated to give it to their kids.
And for those of you who are about to tell me “that’s not the point”, yes it is the fucking point. Your material worth is based on what YOU do to make ends meet. Your parents already lived through what we’re going through now.
Oh and also: I GUARANTEE 90% of you are going going to do the exact same thing when YOUR KIDS ask “Mom/Dad can you buy me a car”.
Of course not! You can barely buy your own car, let alone buy one for your kids and then THEY are gonna post the exact same thing about you on the internet. Because YOU didn’t save YOUR money. Instead you spent $50 a month on your monthly services like Hulu, Netflix, Crunchyroll, Disney+, also your Pandora, Spotify, Apple Music, and any other goods/services your spending your cash on.
You could, instead put that $50 a month and any extra money into your savings and by the time you retire, you would too would have money to spend. And if you raised your kids right, they would do the same thing instead of relying on OUR hard earned money.
So get the fuck off your high horse and start saving your money. 2 months ago
For most people the answer is… Yes, to live the the same standard. This generation barely affording one car while the previous generation had multiple…
I don’t know what you think 50$ a month compounds to, but I’ve done the math and I’ll need to put away 7-800 per month to save enough to cover rent/food for a reasonable amount of time 40 years from now.
Sounds pretty selfish to have your kids in debt instead of using the wealth you’ve accrued to avoid your family paying interest to the bank. Pretty dumb way to hamstring your family’s ability to accrue generational wealth. Like damn I guess you actively dislike your kids and grandkids. 2 months ago
I make less than $18 per hour and I can still afford rent without roommates, buying my own car, buying my own food and STILL afford my own monthly services.
Is it cheap? Of course not. Am I saving money? Barely. But here’s the thing you’re not considering:
In about 20 years When all the Boomer/Z generations are retired and not working to earn money, where do you think all that money is going to be? If you think they will have all the money while our generation is running the government, then you sir/ma’am lack foresight into the future.
The money isn’t going to magically disappear, it will still be there and you will still be working to earn your fair share. It isn’t going anywhere.
Save your money now, so you don’t have to ask your parents for money later.
TLDR: Grow up and quit relying on your parents for everything. There’s a reason we become “adults” when we turn 18. 2 months ago
On the books of corporations, who will continue to fight tooth and nail to frustrate worker attempts to “earn their fair share”
Good job lucking into a low cost of living area. Check how much margin you could have moving to a higher col area to get a higher paying job. You might be able to contribute less to savings! Very lateral.
I worked and rented from the time I was 18, and took on debt to be able to eat. This is instead of living with my parents who were and continue to be over housed, or attending college to get a higher paying job sooner.
I will not be surprised if they cash out, hand the asset to a corp, and go ahead and burn the money on luxuries they don’t really care about.
Corps design their services to exploit their customers. Banking, transportation, housing, all of them. If you are old enough to retire and you are still dancing to that same marketing jingle y’all got some problems. 2 months ago
Once again. They earned that money themselves. You can’t blame our parents on what million dollars corporations are making. Out parents are not all part of the 1%, they earned their living just as much as you need to earn your own. If you want more money, get a better job, or start your own business. We have the resources necessary to do just that, right at our fingertips, literally.
It’s the amount of effort your putting in that makes a difference. But please, go ahead and keep living off your parents income. Might as well move back in and live in their basement too, so you can spend all your time on the internet, squalling over how much your parents are not giving you money.
Oh and by the way, just remember that when you were a kid, they bought your clothes, they paid your rent, they bought your food, and they paid for your schooling. And you have the audacity to ask them for more.