Ehh Leahy law.
Comment on US logic for protecting the political and economic elite has no bounds 1 month ago
To be fair , only one of them is under united states juristiction 1 month ago
Comment on US logic for protecting the political and economic elite has no bounds 1 month ago
To be fair , only one of them is under united states juristiction
Ehh Leahy law. 1 month ago
ok-- but If the US government disagreed wth the Israeli leadership we wouldnt be enabling and protecting them. So we dont get to have clean hands just because of jurisidction That Netenyahu pic should really be a picture of Biden standing next to netenyahu, because thats the reality of it, right. 5 weeks ago
That would make sense if international politics were any more than thinly veiled terrorism itself. The whole UN thing is an exercise in manufacturing legitimacy, and the fact people actually think that there is a world in which it holds the most powerful actors to account proves that it’s worked.
They are a mafia with a protection racket, very little more. 5 weeks ago
Theres nothing any better out there though is there. 5 weeks ago
Of course they’re crimes against humanity, I’m not trying to undermine anything, I just don’t understand where people think any prosecution like this would meaningfully come from. Like there needs to be a realistic understanding of what can happen, and this is power politics.
The US is a permanent member of the UN security council, they can veto anything the UN wants to do, and it’s set up that way to ensure it can’t go against any of the big 5’s interests. That alone should destroy the UN’s legitimacy, but corporate media and the political class prop it up and make people think that it’s this place where the big issues are discussed reasonably and rationally. It isn’t.
No court can prosecute anyone unless it has the power to enforce its rulings, and the UN just doesn’t have that.
Look up the Hague Invasion Act. The US has stated, as a matter of law, that it will invade thr Hague if they ever try to prosecute any US service member. Do you really need me to break down what that means for the concept of international law? If you’re going to call anything cynical, that is cynical. If the UN is the best that exists, then that just means that our current system has no justice.
The ability to solve this problem will come from people organising resistance, not from states, not from courts of law, not from some big in-control powerful body stepping in to help us. We help us.