Oh good grief. SMH. Changing policy is not the same as ragequitting governing!
None of these issues are solved by shutting down the government, they will only be fixed by new reforms and new legislation, AFTER the government is up and running again.
Sirpantangelini@noauthority.social 2 months ago
@chromeratt @realcaseyrollins
My responses just got eaten by the internet.
I'm all for a fair tax federally.
Solely tariffs and a flat tax on new products.
If a heroin addict is forced to be clean for 6 months because they are on an island with no heroin, that's ultimately good for them, even if they go back.
Sirpantangelini@noauthority.social 2 months ago
@chromeratt @realcaseyrollins
Most of your responses are vague and resemble an addict explaining their need for, whatever they are addicted to.
Like... legislate laws...
Come on dude, you are better than that.
chromeratt@noauthority.social 2 months ago
@Sirpantangelini @realcaseyrollins and most of the "laws" were made by the department of X, Y or Z of the executive branch. If the Congress actually had to write and vote on ALL the rules, there would be far fewer of them.
So yeah, keep funding all the things you said (minus economic policy) and let the others chill for a while. There's some savings for you.
chromeratt@noauthority.social 2 months ago
@Sirpantangelini @realcaseyrollins And if those people working at the Department of Something or Other are really doing valuable work, they should be able to find work in the private sector.