Husband, father, lead code monkey, maker, geek, NAS refugee
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- Comment on House Ethics report finds evidence Matt Gaetz paid thousands for sex and drugs including paying a 17-year-old for sex in 2017 5 weeks ago:
@realcaseyrollins funny that the criminal investigators never pressed any charges in spite of chasing him for years.
- Comment on Johnson signals 'plan C' reached to avert shutdown 1 month ago:
@Sirpantangelini @realcaseyrollins And if those people working at the Department of Something or Other are really doing valuable work, they should be able to find work in the private sector.
- Comment on Johnson signals 'plan C' reached to avert shutdown 1 month ago:
@Sirpantangelini @realcaseyrollins and most of the "laws" were made by the department of X, Y or Z of the executive branch. If the Congress actually had to write and vote on ALL the rules, there would be far fewer of them.
So yeah, keep funding all the things you said (minus economic policy) and let the others chill for a while. There's some savings for you.
- Comment on Johnson signals 'plan C' reached to avert shutdown 1 month ago:
@realcaseyrollins @Sirpantangelini they can stay out of economic policy as far as I'm concerned.
Also, there are far too many federal crimes.
And our international policy for several administrations has been "give us your shit or we'll bomb you into the ground and take it ". Let's have less of that please.