It would be bad for the share price…
Comment on Nigel Farage Helps to Launch U.S. Climate Denial Group in UK 2 months ago
Why is there so little respect for the truth these days? 2 months ago
Comment on Nigel Farage Helps to Launch U.S. Climate Denial Group in UK 2 months ago
Why is there so little respect for the truth these days?
It would be bad for the share price… 2 months ago
Here’s a video by Sabine Hossenfelder articulating the issues with current climate data that’s nearly never acknowledged. I think human activity is driving climate change, as does she, but it’s interesting to hear how in the inadequacies of the current models are big enough for climate change deniers to drive a bus through. (And also room enough for them to cry “conspiracy” when they discover how problematic some of these models are like it’s a secret. It’s not a secret, but it is true that mainstream media - and even popular science publications - gloss over these in order to solidify the need to take action)