Comment on and we thought our thing with beans was bad 3 days agoThat’s not what you’re comment history says about you. At all.
Comment on and we thought our thing with beans was bad 3 days agoThat’s not what you’re comment history says about you. At all. 3 days ago
anyone can see that’s not true 3 days ago
Not by reading your post history, they can’t! Lol. 3 days ago
that’s the best evidence for it to be untrue. 3 days ago
Link me to one comment where you backed down or admitted you were wrong! Are you prepared to admit that male cows are killed for meat before adulthood, that the natural lifespan of cattle is so,ewhere inthe region of 15-20 years or that milk farming happens because there’s commercial demand for milk? I suspect not. Surprise me!