Comment on Wallace & Gromit fans appalled by the AI upscaling on new 4K UHD release 3 months ago
If I’m getting 4K content I want that to be a 4K scan of original 35mm (or better) film. I’m not paying for an AI upscale that I can probably do myself for similar quality. If there is no 35mm source (such as it originating on 16mm or electronic television cameras) just give it to me at the best original resolution; 2K/HD or even SD are perfectly fine if that’s the original version.
I’m fine with the HD/4K conversions some older shows like Seinfeld or Friends got because those were originally shot on film (thank you Lucille Ball) so there’s an original source that’s relatively easy to go back to and just apply the edits, although sometimes I would prefer if they kept the original 4:3 aspect ratio instead of changing to 16:9. Sometimes the framing is a little off or they lose a subtle joke.
The one area I’d be okay with a little AI upscale (if it’s done well) mixed in is if there are effects shots mixed in that were only ever intended for SD viewing. I first saw this with Family Matters of all shows, showing it to my kid. They’ve scanned the film up to HD but some of Steve’s “experiments” look pretty jarring mixed in. 3 months ago
This is exactly how I feel. I want the highest possible original quality, without upscaling. There are a ton of 1080p Blu-rays out there that probably won’t get real 4K scans because of lack of demand or being niche content, and that’s totally fine. Just leave it at 1080p, which is still pretty solid for movies made more than 5 or 10 years ago. But if the movie was shot on film, there’s really no excuse for not rescanning it at 4K imo. I’m sure studios/distributors would continue to cry poverty, but screw that. I’m even okay with them leaving any original special effects untouched, especially if redoing them is what hikes up the cost. It can be distracting, but I care more about live action quality.
I go back and forth on animation, it’s the one time I feel kind of okay with upscaling. But I recently compared an upscaled 4K Blu-ray anime with a subsequently released native 4K scan Blu-ray, and the increase in quality was quite obvious. 3 months ago
I suspect if something was shot on film for distribution in theaters any special effects will look just fine in the scan. If it was shot on film for SD TV the effects probably won’t hold up, but hopefully it’s nothing critical enough to be a big deal!