It does. Competition is literally the only mechanism that drives greedy actors to lower prices or improve their service. Without competition they hoarde.
It does. Competition is literally the only mechanism that drives greedy actors to lower prices or improve their service. Without competition they hoarde. 5 weeks ago
You forgot about laws. 5 weeks ago
No I didn’t. 5 weeks ago
“only the market can fix this”
Gestures broadly at the market
Multiple competitors just results in them all agreeing to raise prices when prices taxes are lowered.
Out of curiosity, how do you propose increasing the number of competitors? Or is this a situation of “gee, that would be nice. Oh well, I guess nothing can be done.”? 5 weeks ago
Price signalling happens in situations with low competition, in a healthy, competitive market, if you raises prices someone will undercut you to take your business.
You literally just break up grocery store companies and stop them from merging in the future. The solution is not complicated.