Comment on How is woke a religion?

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Basically anyone who tries to militarize rationalism as a movement or tries to use science as a religion… very often these turn into misogyny, bigotry, and pseudoscience

Those three are specifically infamous as Sam Harris uses pseudoscience to justify a lack of belief in free will as straight up fact and white washes Buddhism to be “Like Atheism, but you meditate!”… but his open hostility to the religious is concerning as he literally writes in his book The End of Faith that the world would only be safe if a preemptive nuke was dropped on the middle east.

Sam Harris also parrots the talking points of Jordan Peterson and features him regularly on his podcast

Richard Dawkins is a transphobic asshole who compared transpeople to black face, shrugged off a woman being sexually assaulted at his conference as “She should be grateful, a muslim would have done worse” (a scandal known as Elevatorgate) also engages in pseudoscience to push his “Memetics” nonsense

Hitchens is the least horrible of the three, but that’s only because he was dead long before Dawkins and Harris went fully radical.

Christopher Hitchens mainly wrote a bunch of books painting Christianity in a bad light… that itself is fine… the issue is he’d often fabricate evidence. One well known case of this; claiming Thomas Aquinas, a philosopher famous for coming up with what many theist still believe is the best evidence for god, was a “man of one book” and using cherry picked qoutes to justify it… even though Aquinas actually warned against zealots and the full version of the original qoute was actually telling people to be wary of men of “only one book” for there was more to understand the world and God than simply the bible.

Hitchens is also responsible for the clickbait articles claiming Mother Theresa was a monster, making various accusations of her laundering money from charity with no evidence, taking quotes from her on suffering out of context to make her look like a masochist, berating her for refusing to use morphine (despite operating in India, a

ountry where morphine was illegal even for medical use) and bizzarely claimed her hospices were actually hospitals. When not only were they hospices but she basically invented the concept at a time when bedside manner was basically unheard of in professional medicine.

Many of these bogus and heavily debunked claims are from the book “Hell’s Angel” which Hitchens wrote.

The cherry on top was Hitchens actually claimed the Catholic Church was trying to stop him from bad-mouthing Mother Theresa out of fear he would “give away their game”… when the opposite was true, they literally invited him to the Vatican to speak out against her canonization as it is tradition that critics and skeptics of potiential saints be given a chance to make their case before anything final is decided.

While there are many great arguments for not believing in God or really any supernatural phenomena of any kind… these three are infamous for fabricating and weaponizing such arguments for personal gain.
