It’s been a week since the killing of the health insurance exec
I have some thoughts.
The one thing the US general population and the media have not been discussing is that one of the big reasons insurance feels so expensive is because wages are one third the buying of what they were in the 1970s.
Low real wages is why everything feels so expensive.
And then there is denial of treatment or only allowing less expensive but less efficacious treatments. This makes people angry and they would probably be less angry if insurance was cheaper.
There has been no discussion of what governments have been doing and should be doing to stop insurance industry fraud and abuse. Using the justice system is not discussed or has been dismissed as being pointless.
There are still few statements by any politicians other than statements saying killing with guns is bad.
Every statement by medical workers has been anti-insurance. They hate the insurance industry ore than anyone. Newspapers have not interviewed one single health care worker about their experience.
I’ve been watching House, the tv series. Not one episode shows the time consuming battle doctors and admin have to go through to get the ok and to get money. That’s not very realistic is it. Maybe we need a show where the battle isn’t against germs but against insurance and the clock 1 week ago
I don’t think that show would perform well in the entirety of the rest of the westernised world, which means it won’t make enough billions of dollars profit to be greenlit.