Sony was transparently making minimally viable products to keep the valuable IP rights.
I could be wrong, but I don’t think the SSU movies are part of their contract with Marvel. It only applies to live-action Spider-Man films (in which Spidey is the main character).
Which means that they had no obligation to make these movies, but still chose to do so anyway. They are making these villain spin-offs because they want to, not because they have to.
Just the thought of Sony making completely unnecessary villain movies, not out of any contractual obligation, but because they genuinely believe that they can ride the coattails of the MCU…to me that’s too funny to pass up. 2 months ago
My favourite part of Morbius, and I haven’t actually seen the film, was revealed on the Corridor Crew’s VFX Artist’s React. Some poor VFX bloke had modelled a construction site or underground site with a lot of detail. Then, when the scene was lit, it was made so dark, you couldn’t see any of the work that had been done. 2 months ago
I had to see it for myself, and then I made a gif of it so others don’t have to hunt the video down:
Image 2 months ago
Image 2 months ago
Nice! That last frame before the lighting shift is so wild to look at all the little details… Then blam! No background for you!