Comment on Mitochondria 2 months agoThe stated goal of high school level education is to create well roubded individuals. But individuals that know about mitochondria but not how fucked up the tax code is and how to survive all the finance predators? That know about Christopher Columbus but not how to change the tires on their cars ? That is not a well rounded to me. You have to know how to live before learning about biology trivia. 1 week ago
I never get this argument about taxes and car tires. Did your school not have a civics class or an auto shop class? And if not, did you never learn to read the manual? That’s all stuff you can learn in 15 minutes, not need a semester of highschool to learn. Like, you can argue againt cell bio being in the curriculum, but if you want to argue there needs to be a class to read instructions that are included then maybe it’s basic literacy you’re arguing for basic literacy instead. 1 week ago
There’s a big difference in reading it in the manual versus having actually done it in the past.