Renting most things long term is dumb as fuck, yet Rent-A-Center is a thing. Technically they do rent to own, but they will set you up with a whole shitty bachelor pad. $10 a month for the table, 20 for the couch, and only 50 for the TV. Over a five year loan. They will and do repo shit and rent it to the next dumbass. Quick what’s 50 times 12 times 5? Doesn’t matter I have a shitty big screen for only fifty bucks! 2 months ago
Even if it works out to spending $3000 on the end, that’s still only $80/month, and their demographic is people living paycheck to paycheck who don’t have the few hundred at any one time to buy the stuff outright. 2 months ago
Yeah $3000 for a $600 TV. Just like in the gamers Nexus video, you’d be better off buying it on a credit card.