Stability, in the real world, requires some limitations on liberty. The mere concept of imprisonment is a HUGE violation of autonomy, freedom and liberty. Even basic foundations of civilisation like “don’t dump industrial waste and personal rubbish wherever you want”, “don’t kill people if you don’t like them” impose on liberty, and further restrictions for the sake of public safety and stability are clearly against liberty - “don’t drive vehicles when impaired by drugs”, “don’t yell FIRE in crowded venues”, “don’t employ workers without taking basic operational health and safety precautions”. None of these governmental dictations are tyranny, unjust or oppressive. They’re limiting liberties for the sake of stability.
And that also extends further. There is a general balance in governance between giving citizens, state forces and corporations the freedoms they need or want, and of keeping society from dissolving. If we let people with lots of money use it on whatever they want, we get environmental havoc, like that fucker who cleared koala habitats for a private runway and industries destroying the Great Barrier Reef. I don’t think restricting their use of their power (money) is tyrannical, but they certainly claim it is.
(As for China, I personally agree they lean too far into restricting some liberties of regular citizens. To a lesser degree, I even think the same thing about Australia too. However, I also believe Australia grossly under-restricts the freedoms of megacorporations and billionaires to destroy our wildlife, climate, living standards and practical rights to resist their dictatorial demands as employees, while the CPC is increasingly punishing the owner class for the sake of citizen empowerment, stability and their environment. This balancing act of the rights of the worker class vs the rights of the owner class vs the rights of the state create interesting differences which goes beyond simple concepts like freedom and tyranny. Politics and governance is complex and abstract ideals like ‘liberty’ as a general idea just can’t adequately explain it) 2 weeks ago
That slogan doesn’t hold true.
Stability, in the real world, requires some limitations on liberty. The mere concept of imprisonment is a HUGE violation of autonomy, freedom and liberty. Even basic foundations of civilisation like “don’t dump industrial waste and personal rubbish wherever you want”, “don’t kill people if you don’t like them” impose on liberty, and further restrictions for the sake of public safety and stability are clearly against liberty - “don’t drive vehicles when impaired by drugs”, “don’t yell FIRE in crowded venues”, “don’t employ workers without taking basic operational health and safety precautions”. None of these governmental dictations are tyranny, unjust or oppressive. They’re limiting liberties for the sake of stability.
And that also extends further. There is a general balance in governance between giving citizens, state forces and corporations the freedoms they need or want, and of keeping society from dissolving. If we let people with lots of money use it on whatever they want, we get environmental havoc, like that fucker who cleared koala habitats for a private runway and industries destroying the Great Barrier Reef. I don’t think restricting their use of their power (money) is tyrannical, but they certainly claim it is.
(As for China, I personally agree they lean too far into restricting some liberties of regular citizens. To a lesser degree, I even think the same thing about Australia too. However, I also believe Australia grossly under-restricts the freedoms of megacorporations and billionaires to destroy our wildlife, climate, living standards and practical rights to resist their dictatorial demands as employees, while the CPC is increasingly punishing the owner class for the sake of citizen empowerment, stability and their environment. This balancing act of the rights of the worker class vs the rights of the owner class vs the rights of the state create interesting differences which goes beyond simple concepts like freedom and tyranny. Politics and governance is complex and abstract ideals like ‘liberty’ as a general idea just can’t adequately explain it)