Comment on Why do I tend to reply in the same amount of time it took my friends to? 2 weeks ago
Subconscious reciprocity due to insecurity and not wanting to annoy.
Comment on Why do I tend to reply in the same amount of time it took my friends to? 2 weeks ago
Subconscious reciprocity due to insecurity and not wanting to annoy. 2 weeks ago
Much better than those people that send 10 messages one after the other as they think of each thought, and your smartwatch is left vibrating for the next minute 😅 2 weeks ago
Hey, don’t talk about me like that! 2 weeks ago
Yes, my mom does that and it annoys the shit out of me.
However, I’ve noticed that it depends on who the person sending them is. Some people get a pass, others don’t.
I admit that I do that occasionally but not often. I’m usually a combine-it-all-into-one-message kind of person.