Comment on Am I a bad person if (as left as they come) I invest in American Private Prison contractors on the assumption that Trump will go through with his deportation scheme at least to some extent?
You don’t understand how paying mandatory taxes you don’t dictate and investing voluntarily is different?
“mandatory taxes” you coward. Tell your God how innocent you are because they forced you.
You’re just the most adorable little troll! Oh my goodness
I’m a troll because I point out you are guilty and point out how scared of changing anything you truly are?
so you got a pretty big mouth, how about telling us how you avoid all those taxes?
I never said I avoided taxes, for all you know I’m just an asshole heavily invested in the sweet private prison system dividends my gracious and wonderful government has provided for me Average Joe American.
Okey Dokey 2 weeks ago
“mandatory taxes” you coward. Tell your God how innocent you are because they forced you. 2 weeks ago
You’re just the most adorable little troll! Oh my goodness 2 weeks ago
I’m a troll because I point out you are guilty and point out how scared of changing anything you truly are? 2 weeks ago
so you got a pretty big mouth, how about telling us how you avoid all those taxes? 2 weeks ago
I never said I avoided taxes, for all you know I’m just an asshole heavily invested in the sweet private prison system dividends my gracious and wonderful government has provided for me Average Joe American. 2 weeks ago
Okey Dokey