Comment on I have to be knowledgeable about a particular superstition in order to sign in to access a government form
Its more like your shoe size
I buy shoes a lot more often than I check my horoscope.
You do but others might not. Most people have way more interaction with zodiac signs than D&D
Maybe thirty years ago
Oh how I wish that was true :(…/share-of-americans-who-believe-in-…
And thats just the ones believing in it, far from the number of people occadionally coming into contact with it.
Well, I stand corrected.…/Astrology-Survey-February-202…
per page 8. 2 weeks ago
You do but others might not. Most people have way more interaction with zodiac signs than D&D 2 weeks ago
Maybe thirty years ago 2 weeks ago
Oh how I wish that was true :(…/share-of-americans-who-believe-in-…
And thats just the ones believing in it, far from the number of people occadionally coming into contact with it. 2 weeks ago
Well, I stand corrected.…/Astrology-Survey-February-202…
per page 8.