Comment on shoe 3 months ago
Funnily enough the answer to that was right above your post for me
Feel like I want to commission them to stop. 100$ to fuck off
Can you pay me $100 to not create art? I wasn’t likely to anyway, but this sounds like a decent side gig to get into.
No. First you must create unholy abominations and crimes against eyes, then I’ll pay/beg you to stop 3 months ago
Funnily enough the answer to that was right above your post for me
Image 3 months ago
Feel like I want to commission them to stop. 100$ to fuck off 3 months ago
Can you pay me $100 to not create art? I wasn’t likely to anyway, but this sounds like a decent side gig to get into. 3 months ago
No. First you must create unholy abominations and crimes against eyes, then I’ll pay/beg you to stop