Nothing necessarily specific, it’s the exaggerated facial expressions and the giant contrasting text that makes me instinctively think everything in the video will similarly have the same over-the-top tone.
I know they do these images to entice children and that’s whatever. I know it works, but it has the opposite effect on me. Maybe you’re right, and I’d enjoy it, but my gut reaction is I’m already annoyed, and I haven’t even started watching it yet! 3 months ago
There are thumbnail “trends” the lead to videos performing better algorithms wise and this matches it. That and the stupid face the centre guy is pulling leads me to agree with the other commenter. 3 months ago
Ah, thanks for the explanation. The clickbait thumbnails I’m used to are the ones where they show an image of something crazy that never actually occurs in the video itself. 3 months ago
You’re most welcome, I only know beyond the click bait you mentioned because some YouTuber was transparent about learning how to make thumbnails for that purpose (maybe funhaus back in the day).