Comment on Pterosaurs
Scary 😂
what’s even scarrier is the idea that this might give possums… ideas.
Thinking takes brain wrinkles.
There’s no thoughts in that head. Merely a marble.
And this is why no one will see the possum take over coming.
Our future overlords can be easily manipulated with Taco Bell and alcohol.
You won’t even notice if it happens. 2 weeks ago
what’s even scarrier is the idea that this might give possums… ideas. 2 weeks ago
Thinking takes brain wrinkles.
There’s no thoughts in that head. Merely a marble. 2 weeks ago
And this is why no one will see the possum take over coming. 2 weeks ago
Our future overlords can be easily manipulated with Taco Bell and alcohol.
You won’t even notice if it happens.