Comment on What are your most recent games played?

<- View Parent ⁨2⁩ ⁨weeks⁩ ago

I have played every Far Cry since the first. In my opinion FC5 is the worst. Boring. I think FC6 was a refreshing change.

Personally Far Cry Blood Dragon is the best overall. The Vietnam DLC for FC5 is also excellent, even though short. FC4 is also great, and has a truly unique setting and was a lotnof fun with the gyro copter and Yeti. FC3 is good and fun, but super overrated.

FC2 I think is the best FC in a spiritual sense. For all its flaws, it truly set out to implement a unique concept the other FC’s have forgotten… that is you set out to accomplish something and everything will go wrong. You were supposed to be frustrated and overthink things. The setting was cool, the story was effed up, and the buddy system was kinda neat.
