Comment on Anyone else bounce around from game to game with no clue what to play? 3 weeks ago
I never heard of this. I play wow.
Comment on Anyone else bounce around from game to game with no clue what to play? 3 weeks ago
I never heard of this. I play wow. 3 weeks ago
Do you not realize you’re doing the same content over and over and over again? 3 weeks ago
that content being fun? where’s the issue in that? 2 weeks ago
You’d think the game is fun but people on wow are so miserable. They’re always upset, DOTA2 energy tbh kicking each other from groups and harassing each other, hating on their own game 2 weeks ago
Figure it’s the same as people who buy CoD and then buy the next one. Or Madden 2022 enjoyers buying Madden 2023.
Isn’t FIFA one of highest yearly selling games?