The source for that number is the International Atomic Energy Agency aka the nuclear fusion control agency. As for the rest of your ideas, its sadly not that easy. It has to be stored somewhere where it cant contaminate the environment, water cant get to it, tectonics are stable, etc. No permanent storage location for the waste has been found, to date.
And to burn the unburned fuel you would have to breed the material, which is a process that requires the most dangerous reactors and is extremely costly. 2 months ago
Wouldn’t that like… eradiate our whole fucking atmosphere? O.o 2 months ago
They’re talking about recycling the fuel and putting it back into the reactors. Unfortunately it’s cheaper to mine fresh fuel than to reprocess used fuel … as long as you just ignore the waste problem. 2 months ago
Well, any waste problem is a hell of a lot better than what we’re doing to the atmosphere.
Coal should be illegal now.