Comment on Daily Discussion Thread ⚡️🐞🚂Thursday 28 November 3 months agoI don’t know about that.
It’s only liberal democracies ( which tend to regulated capitalism ) that keep statistics and or openly talk about societal and personal problems , we have no idea what the vast majority of the world suffers. 3 months ago
To be clear, I meant in our country.
In other countries I’m sure their dictatorships also cause mental health problems as well.
It’s just in our country we are given the illusion of control when in fact we really have very little. 3 months ago
One of the main problems of democracy is that our vote in federal elections is only one of tens of millions, our power is so diluted as to be near non existent.
Where we can make a difference is at the local level. We can run for local office, vote, start or join groups that actually do things. We are allowed to do these things in a liberal democracy. In many places with less free government initiative and social action will get you jail or even death.
We don’t make the world we are born into, no one does. Nor do we choose our place of birth, our parentage and genetic heritage, our time, our society. We don’t make the day, but we can seize it!