On the monitor its just some code from a project I’ve been working on. The laptop has neofetch. My camera makes screens look blurry unless I focus in on them which makes everything else go dark.
🤔 That’s exactly what someone using a right-aligned IDE and a lefty keyboard would say.
(TIL lefty keyboard are an actual thing and not only something I thought I had just made up.)
Eaglesrl@lemmy.blahaj.zone 1 month ago
On the monitor its just some code from a project I’ve been working on. The laptop has neofetch. My camera makes screens look blurry unless I focus in on them which makes everything else go dark.
InEnduringGrowStrong@sh.itjust.works 1 month ago
🤔 That’s exactly what someone using a right-aligned IDE and a lefty keyboard would say.
(TIL lefty keyboard are an actual thing and not only something I thought I had just made up.)
Seriously though, you rock that whole setup.