This is the answer, bbc is the solution.
To get less “tech inclined” people to use the bbc feature is another story.
Sending a email to the whole office from HR, bbc all recipients. Then recipients can only reply to HR, and not 600 plus staff members, into a email chain that last all day asking people to stop replying all, while replying all at the same time. 3 months ago
So are you directly supplying the bbc or did you hire someone?
What’s so technical about working with a bbc? I mean they’re big but not that different from a regular c.
You want to bbc over 600 people? You’re going to need people working in shifts. I don’t think it could be done all at once.
You want the bbcs to last all day? Jesus that’s a hell of an ask. I hope you’re hiring professionals.
What’s email got to do with bbc?