Comment on How are Americans supposed to survive the next 30 years? 2 months ago
Is not about politics
It’s all about politics. Just not about the 24/7 clown show that passes for politics in the US.
It’s about who gets what, how the spoils are divided. It’s obvious how the deck is stacked against ordinary people: the middle class is being bled dry and the hoarder class is taking off with all of it.
What’s extraordinary is that that somehow passes for ‘natural’ and ‘not about politics’. 2 months ago
Well capitalism is based on the horrible unfeeling cruelty of nature, that we originally created human society to escape.
So that’s why it feels natural. It’s the unfair unfeeling system of nature that society is not supposed to be 2 months ago
Not bees. Bees cooperate with each other, nurture their young, operate according to democracy, take nectar freely given by plants, and only use their stingers for self defence.
Fun fact: old scientists believed the queen controlled the hive for purely political reasons. They wanted evidence in nature for the existence of monarchy. They were wrong. Bees are communists and monarchy doesn’t exist in nature. Neither does capitalism. No animal profits purely from owning something, they all have to put in work to get what they need to live. 2 months ago
Trees actually cooperate and share resources.
This horrible cruelty shouldn’t be accepted as natural.