Comment on Mollusks 1 month agoIt started off with something like
“People say: X
Object in meme says: y!”
Someone made a meme saying
Object in meme says: y”
And it was amusing
Then EVERYONE did it and now you might as well not even have the top part anymore.
Example of original style: 1 month ago
But what does Nobody: mean? How does it relate to the second part of the meme? Why is it funny??? I’m still confused. 1 month ago
It is terribly worded so it’s unnecessarily confusing and unclear but it means ‘nobody says anything’, thus indicating that the second action is unprompted. 1 month ago
Thank you. I’m getting some slightly different answers here though so I wonder if everyone even agrees on what this means. 1 month ago
I agree with medium gray’s interpretation 1 month ago
Nobody followed by blank means that nobody else is saying, doing, or thinking of whatever the last subject is doing 1 month ago
As far as I understand it’s supposed to mean the whatever thing is uncalled for.