Comment on They're called leaves for a reason. 3 months agoSure but… It’s still a really good advice and I’m glad someone posted it. I rarely rake away leaves for reasons like this, and this gives me one extra reason to not do so.
That doesn’t mean you’re wrong, but we can all be right : fight the important battles for large scale effects while enjoying the small scale effects of individual actions. 3 months ago
I think that they’re just railing against the smoke show that would have us believe that our individual actions are more to blame than industry as a whole. You can recycle, you can drive a electric car, you can even generate your electricity and store it locally in a battery and not even use the grid but even if we all did that without change to heavy industry we are still screwed.
One small example of this is how big tobacco and big oil have used exactly the same tactics to distract us from what’s really going on and protect their profits regardless of the harm to us as a species.
Would you like to know more?…/big-tobacco-had-to-pay-206b-is-big-o… 3 months ago
Yeah, it totaly woshed right over them. They are playing games with human emotions to protect and increase profits. These kind of things were the early version of the algorithms that are designed to keep you glued to content so you see more ads.