Comment on Donald Trump Team Plans to Cancel Biden's $7,500 Tax Incentive On EVs 3 months agoGiven our current education deficit, we’ve already had to import quite a bit of talent to keep up with being a first world country.
Example: when was the last time you encountered an Indian doctor?
Given the plans to make real/higher education accessible only to the wealthy, we’re going to need to import even more talent. 3 months ago
Yet they want a blanket ban, and once concentration camps are up and we’re officially beyond the pale…and anything not that same shade of pale finds itself in those camps…I don’t think people are gonna want to emigrate here or any of the five eyes.
Letting the bankers take the wheel in the 80s has cannibalized the health of all Western society and commodified whatever was left.
We were told to worship no one other than God/the source/the creator/the allfather/the universe/the truth/whatever you want to call it…but all I see is worship of another invisible diety, this invisible hand of the market - easily the most worshipped god in the modern day. Capitalism is incapable of bringing about salvation, unless you believe in accelerationism, and then everyone participating is gonna be found wanting.