Yea I saw that and thought about commenting but figured it would of been hitting my head on a brick wall. It’s funny how people went from loving him to despising him all because they were told to because he brought Twitter
Yea I saw that and thought about commenting but figured it would of been hitting my head on a brick wall. It’s funny how people went from loving him to despising him all because they were told to because he brought Twitter 1 year ago
Uhh no I went to not liking him because it became more apparent he was a narcissistic man-child that didn’t like being said no to and, despite that being somewhat good in pushing some companies he owns to make incredible products that could have been done by anyone with the right push and access to modern technology, he spent his time wanting people to love him for everything he said even when it was a garbage submarine idea and decided to punish people who didn’t agree with him and focused on saving children’s lives.
If you are wrapped around twitter as your only comment on him your attention span is too short. There is plenty of other reasons to hate the guy and still reason to respect his investments 1 year ago
People doesn’t imply everyone bud, this was my anecdotal observation of Internet sentiments changing on Elon coincided with around the time of his Twitter purchase. 1 year ago
And I’m telling you the ball started rolling down that hill well before that and twitter just was an easy place to pick up more steam.
But there are plenty of people that started to hate on him just because he lied about delivery date on all his car models and the cyber truck. I saw one person swap when he had the intern come out in a spandex suit with a fake robot head on.
You are ascribing to much importance a social media site because it has a vocal community 1 year ago
Right as someone who never cared about him as is a casual 30,000 ft observer it appears that it was the catalyst for distain for Elon to be main stream. Nothing about what I’m saying is disagreeing with you. Would you agree that the general consensus is that’s when people, “woke up” to Elon?