it’s baffling because personally i could rant about how pretty most women are for hours on end, and if desired i can extend that to a lot of guys as well and i’m not even that into dudes.
Comment on Jewel Beetles 5 weeks ago
Do people go on about women being ugly? Like all women? 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
Yeah, me too. I can appreciate aesthetics. I’m I cishet guy but I can admit that Jude Law or Daniel Craig are very, very pretty. I may not be attracted to them, but I’m not blind. 5 weeks ago
Yeah it’s an incel thing 5 weeks ago
Oh, so it’s more of a sour grapes situation. 5 weeks ago
Sour grapes plus that thing where people who don’t eat fruit for a long time but eat artificial fruit flavoring think real fruit tastes gross. Reality with all its imperfections and subtlety is unappetizing to them, they only desire the artificial which is familiar to them. 5 weeks ago
I don’t like this flavor of dystopia.