Comment on At least he was a nurse on the walking dead lol 5 weeks agoSame, but I was afraid to voice it in case I was wrong and opening myself up to some accusations 😅
Comment on At least he was a nurse on the walking dead lol 5 weeks agoSame, but I was afraid to voice it in case I was wrong and opening myself up to some accusations 😅 5 weeks ago
Well this just might be worse than saying nothing at all. What did you do? 5 weeks ago
I mean, if you mistake a person of a different race from you as someone else of that race, there’s always going to be some eye narrowing. 5 weeks ago
I wasn’t thinking this at all and I don’t think anyone else would have had you not preemptively pointed it out 5 weeks ago
Eh, I try to own my own insecurities. I haven’t seen the movie in ages so I was mostly going off of hairstyle and gang leader status over his face anyhow.