Comment on The doctor then had to go and treat that lawyer for being a burn victim 5 weeks agoSarcasm does not fly in court. Everything you say can and will be used against you. You do not have to be the defendant for that to apply. 5 weeks ago
What a complete and utter rubbish. 5 weeks ago
That was my experience. You also have to remember I I was in civil court. 5 weeks ago
You made a general statement that MOST of people lost their cases just because they were sarcastic. This is utter tosh.
Judges may not like sarcasm, no argument here. But to say that most people lost due to sarcasm is a complete nonsense. 5 weeks ago
That is what I said, yes. I had to sit through everyone else’s cases. If they were rude, they lost. Most of them that lost were rude.