There is also a Mycotoxin ATP Inhibitor called Tri-Nitro-Propionic Aci, which causes complete organ failure after a couple of days of being unconsious. It generally only gets produced by certain fungal strains such as tropical Arthrinium, but can also be a very small percentage biproduct in some biofuel production methoda which utilize propionibacteria to conver grains and grasses similarly to how yeast creates alcohol.
Comment on Little dude ATP 5 weeks ago
And if you get poisoned with 2,4-DNP, your ATP will make you into a thermal power plant before you die of uncontrolled hyperthermia! 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
I worked in bioelectrochemostry. We had looked into that to see if we could juice reactors. Turns out it’s not the bugs that limit things, but godamn did that stuff make them boogie. 5 weeks ago
Cave Johnson is that you? 5 weeks ago
That’s not me. Thaaaats asbestos.