Comment on Daily Discussion Thread: šŸ•šŸ¶šŸ•ā€šŸ¦ŗšŸ© Saturday, November 9, 2024

<- View Parent āØ3ā© āØmonthsā© ago

I generally prefer to condense my mid life crises into a short but intense period of reading and planning. As I get a heads up from my older sister reaching significant milestones a few years before I do any crisis is over before the applicable birthdate.

I donā€™t think I had much of a crisis at 40 though, it was more just a short-lived ā€œgosh, when did I get so old!ā€ feeling. 50 was much bigger and led to some major introspection and mapping out of life goals and plans. It probably took a couple of years to get through that. But I started early, so Iā€™m pretty much done even though I have another year before I actually get to 50 myself.
