Comment on Don't look up 3 months ago
Caveat: some of us may need more time than others to process recent events, especially if we are on some kind of spectrum. Be kind to yourself if you are struggling this week!? 🙏
But yeah, in general, we NEED to open our eyes if we are going to survive. 3 months ago
Without my adding any commentary to this, it’s hard to deduce my intent. That is my bad.
The title of “Don’t Look Up” is referencing the movie by that title, which is a cheeky reference to climate change, which was my intent.
And I’m like you said: still processing recent events. 3 months ago
You are a very friendly person - I inferred nothing bad coming from you:-).
I just wanted to help add that context as we *all* catch up in our processing. Be kind to yourself as you do!? 😊 3 months ago
Thank you for that. That is very kind. I appreciate you as well. 3 months ago
Now kiss