Comment on "The American experiment endures," Biden said. "We're going to be OK." 3 months agoLol yes, I love being gaslighted.
If you can’t see how this specific Russian war offensive began in 2016
If you can’t see the ongoing war men have had on women resulting in our literal enslavement
If you can’t understand intersectionality so you just tantrum and refuse to acknowledge it
If you can’t see the ongoing war white people have had on PoC
That’s on you!
We are all dead to climate change anyway!
But yes clearly the fascist dictator will be cool with his rival. We only have a few months to find out. And when I’m right, I won’t DM or comment back to you because your opinion was always worthless anyway. 3 months ago
You’re building a whole lot of strawmen.
The rightwing fight has been going on since shortly after FDRs New Deal, over 70 years. The wealthy hated it and immediately set about funding right wing think tanks to undo it’s progress. They’ve been exceptionally successful and those thinktanks are now pipelines used to funnel judges and policy wonks into positions where they have power.
This is so much bigger than Russia or Gender and the fact that you think those are the actual fights really highlights why “the left” can’t ever get it’s shit together while the right votes in lockstep yet again. You can’t see the forest for the tree.
Do you really think Biden was on any of our sides? Do you really think this is a new thing? That fascists just crawled out of the woodwork in the last 8 years?
Tell you what, I wish you were right, that might galvanize someone and prove the danger but it won’t happen. Biden will open his presidential library and the country will continue circling the drain, yelling into the void while the right snatches more of our rights. But hey you can point at Trump and say “typical man!” like it means anything. 3 months ago
I didn’t say “rightwing fight.” I said this war we have going with Russia started, as in the first battles began, in 2016, or rather with the 2016 election.
Sure, we can also argue that this is a global backlash against civil rights, I agree there.
It’s not bigger than Russia or gender. Lol. Yoy just mean that you are so narcissistic, that you don’t care about the Russia war or women so you think thats objective and no one should. Lol.
The left can’t unify because nonviolent antiabuse and antifascism, in a fascist abusive system, requires humility and people changing themselves and instead of that, we have men telling women that the “gender stuff” isn’t a big deal and dismissing them. Like I get it, you abuse women, you could not make it clearer that you want me to be okay with violence towards women.
Biden was on the side of the US. Where we physically reside. This means he cared about making sure our country was relatively stable and not being bombed. Now that a foreign hostile nation has control of our government, they can just bomb us. Or starve ur or blockade us. Trump is already talking about putting tariffs on us, just like we did to Russia as punishment for their war. It’s revenge.
I think you live too comfortably and you don’t understand how bad it can get here. Hubris etc.
Yeah I’m so bad for pointing out Trump is a racist and the peak of toxic masculinity and patriarchy, and me trying to subvert those systems so we don’t get more Trumps. I’m so stupid for understanding how masculinity, male/gender narcissism, and fascism all interrelate along with Abrahamic religions, superhero tropes, Call of Duty, and war propaganda to create these exact men who lack empathy and sit with delusions while trained to blame and dismiss women (because we are the ones telling you to not go to war… so tbe war propaganda really needs you to disrespect our opinions). Like I’ll explain it all for you if your little man ego can take it, but I really doubt you can. 3 months ago
Ad hominem much?
I have a lot better things to do than sit around and be called a wife-beating rapist.
Go fuck yourself. 3 months ago
Sure, be abusive and about your ego. That’s more important, right? You and your self.