Comment on How do Americans win their country back? 2 months ago
Regardless of your views on the Orange Grifter / Gift from God (delete as applicable) this question is fundamentally flawed. “How do we build bridges, find common ground and begin to win over our fellow US citizens who have, in my opinion, made a poor and misinformed political choice that could have terrible consequences for them, our country and the world at large?” might be a more appropriate opener. I understand you’re upset, scared, desolate etc but your language comes off as belligerent and aggressive. Perhaps soften your tone and be more receptive to others’ concerns. For the record, I’ve got no flies on this turd as I’m not from the US, nor do I live there. Good luck. 2 months ago
The Republicans are running on a platform of attacking the rights of racial minorities, and the right for trans people to exist
And the people who vote for them like the pain they cause or are so checked out they don’t know/care
Idk if there is a way to work with people who’s political agenda is to kill you 2 months ago
If over half of your active voters want to kill people as part of a national policy then you’re probably fucked beyond repair as a people and a nation. My condolences.