Secondly I don’t blame devs for not beeing active on social media with the community. Especially when your game is rather small this task can be really mentally exhausting and we all know how easily people get toxic on the Internet.
I took fault with that as well.
I am a developer who makes games on the side. I mostly do gamejams and release games on It’s a pretty positive community.
But I did get one comment (only one) that some troll told me to stick to my day job. Like I am? I do this to create art and fun, and make bank working a boring software job. I put all my passion into making this game in a short gamejam window.
I know some fans love reading about “the struggle”. They see the developer eating ramen and crunching 160 hours as passion. To me, that’s abuse. Because survivors bias, there are people with 100x the passion but their game doesn’t sell.
Everyone who puts out a game is doing it for different reasons. You have no idea if the dev team was crunching late hours while their child was dying from cancer. Or if they were coding this on their golden yacht using AI bots. To judge them because they don’t share that as not having passion?
It’s a toxic metric and would strongly recommend removing it. 2 months ago
Apologies, still new to the posting style here on Lemmy. It cut off the TLDR which I have added back in
I don’t get it. How can you provide your commentary on something you have never experienced? Like, I get what you’re saying and respect to your opinions but like… You kind of have to try it and live through it for a little while to really get it.
If you look at their actual team website, they have a huge team. I think there’s no excuse for them to have no community presence, considering that concerned ape is just one person, he’s just one dude developing the entire thing himself and he has been very vocal and very active. Their website shows that they have at least 10 members on their team, and they barely interact with the community. It just feels like a cash grab when you take that into account. Sorry if that sounds harsh but it is what it is 2 months ago
My comment about the lenght was not a critisism. I appreciate details about your opinion.
I wanted to comment under your post because some of your points don’t feel specific to the game and I think my opinion might offer you a different view. Also this is a social platform and I just like to interact with people who take the time to express their opinions.
I still disagree with you point about community managers. Just because Concerned Ape is a stellar developer who likes to interact with poeple doesn’t mean everyone need to do it his way. There are so many devs who got swarmed by toxicity, not wanting to potentially deal with that is perfectly valid.