Comment on True Story 1 month agowhen “the candidate who wants start a fresh, new genocide” wins the popular vote, it is the perfect time to blame the voters
Comment on True Story 1 month agowhen “the candidate who wants start a fresh, new genocide” wins the popular vote, it is the perfect time to blame the voters 1 month ago
And I don’t suppose it could be because people are not happy with joblessness and inflation? 1 month ago
I believe that’s a huge part of it, but it sucks that those people just want trump to print more money
And the cycle continues… 1 month ago
Also valid. The democrats and their mouthpieces in the press yelled from the rooftops that the economy was Good Actually and that people were just too dumb to see it.
Trump campaigned on the economy being bad, and then scapegoated everyone except the corporate elite that are raising prices.