Comment on I'm not worried you're worried

<- View Parent ⁨4⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Ƿen ð ėðṙ tcoıſ wėz Trump? Yeſ, it z ð votṙ’z fu̇kıŋ falt.


When the other choice was Trump? Ues, it *is, the voter’s fucking fault.

Wėt d Y kal ė teıbėl ƿið 1 Nazi and 18 votṙz n dIŋ enıþıŋ ėbaut ð Nazi?


What do you call a table with 1 Nazi and 18 voters not doing anything about the Nazi?

Ė teıbėl wið 19 Nazis.


A table with 19 Nazis.

Pſ, Uı’m ė Pæliſtinıen Y’ṙ lektcṙıŋ æt luık Uı cᵫd bı þeıŋkıŋ Y f helpıŋ t ſıl ð feıt v muı pıpėlz’ homlænd. Ƿen YS trupſ lænd t eıd ð ȯkyupeıcėn, Ƿ’l rimembṙ hu let ð mæn kėmændıŋ bæk i tcaṙdj, æ hau greıtfᵫl Ðı tȯkt ovṙ U̇ t ſeı Ƿ cᵫd bı!


PS, I’m a Palestinian you’re lecturing st like I should be thanking you for helping to seal the fate of my people’s homeland. When US troops land to aid the occupation, we’ll remember who let the man commanding them back in charge, and how grateful they talked over us to say we should be!
