Comment on Organic chemistry is killing me🤯. 1 month ago
What is organic chemistry and how do i get behind them?
Comment on Organic chemistry is killing me🤯. 1 month ago
What is organic chemistry and how do i get behind them? 1 month ago
Organic chemistry is the hardest part of chemistry 1 month ago
To be honest not the hardest but super hard and takes really long time to get into it 1 month ago
Oddly, I found it far more intuitive and entertaining than gen chem, yet barely got through orgo 1 with a D 1 month ago
For me it was the opposite. Classic chemistry: redox / pressure / temperature. Three dials and you’ll get what you want as long as the atoms are there.
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Here’s how glucose relates to the ADP/ATP cycle! It doesn’t work unless temperature is 37C ± 1C 1 month ago
That’s biochem. O chem is is this reaction a substitution or replacement. Does this catalyst make a product in cis or trans orientation. Etc