Um, yes. It is odd, and you get some things ass backward:
But then the government is dependent on this private company again
To my knowledge Linux is community driven. I can only assume that’s Murena and /e/OS you’re talking about, then? In which case, that was my point.
I am shocked that most governments in the world don’t have their own distribution. It just makes sense.
Yeah, makes sense to North Korea, too. I’m not sure they’re an example to follow, though.
To be clear, nation states controlling the tools that their employees and, potentially, wider population communicate and access information is a dystopian vision, and I cannot agree with that point at all. 1 month ago
It also means the entirety of the EU’s governments would be susceptible to the same vulnerabilities and bugs, and would share the same dependencies. Given recent issues with bad actors taking control of small but essential repos, this seems like a potentially dangerous security flaw. 1 month ago
I mean yes, but currently they’re all dependent on Windows, so its less of centralizing OSes, and more changing what its centralized on. 1 month ago
Okay, but when’s the last time someone created a security vulnerability by sneakily taking over a Windows dependency controlled by a single developer after pressuring them into handing the keys over with a bunch of sockpuppets? 1 month ago
Sure the threat model is different, I’m just saying it’s still a single point of failure. 1 month ago
They are already interconnect at various points.
Schools are connected to university networks, university networks to loval government intranets and those are again probably at some point connected to the federal network.
I don’t wanna guess where else they have connections to like the police or legislative network. 1 month ago
There’s a world of difference between interconnectedness and an enforced monoculture of dependencies on a wide range of insecure repos maintained by hobbyists. 1 month ago
Most people who use anything other then windows for work will still use the best software for the job. Most of the advances made for it may likely also work on other distros.
I imagine this just provides a additional option that can freely be distributed and supported with european standards.
It also has potential to be used in schools moving people away from dependency on Microsoft.