Comment on Why aren't vegan?

<- View Parent ⁨4⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I can see that, more to point out current social norms or “tradition” as you put it. If the majority of people are currently omni and they have not external reason to change; they won’t. Psychosocial factors/status quo might be what I’m appealing to?

Well I’d assert that those cases are not all equal. Cattle in feedlots probably don’t live the same lives dogs that fight each other; often to the death. Whales are important to their ecosystem (and we could fish them into extinction). It’s also just super wasteful to kill whales for oil/food when we have other ways of sourcing those materials. Elephants can practically never be sufficiently well kept by a circus (except a wealthy company maybe) and are incredibly social animals so there’s no way in my mind to keep them in a circus in a humane way.

I think the main problem veganism/vegos face is pr/marketing. For example, I feel like far more people would become meatless for environmental reason rather than comparing “modern” farming to dog fighting. Which feels more like guilting than anything and puts the receiver immediately on the defensive. Factory farming and abusive farming practices in general can get fucked though.
