Comment on Remedy Has Recouped 'Most' of the Development and Marketing Expenses for Alan Wake 2 4 months agoWe know one of their WIP titles is a PvE multiplayer game set in their connected universe. Aside from that, nothing more is known, except for your generic corporate “we’re excited about our future projects with Remedy” statements from 505.
I’d be very suprised if Remedy turns around and makes it overtly exploitative. 4 months ago
Whether it’s any more exploitative than any other game, it’s still got all of the same baggage. It’s always online and will one day be unplayable, and it’s relying on continual revenue to support it rather than just selling it for an up front price and letting it rock, which both encourage exploitative monetization anyway. 4 months ago
Ok. Unfortunately it sounds like you’re asking to stop liking a studio that I like, based on speculation about how a future title of theirs might work. That’s not an actionable argument.
The change we both want isn’t going to come from voting with our wallets, but even harder.
It’ll come from something like this. 4 months ago
I’m not asking you to stop liking a studio you like, but I am asking you to take them off of the pedestal you put them on. If you care about the SKG campaign, that new shooter of theirs is at odds with it. 4 months ago
That pedestal being, that they keep making games that are just plain good, despite at the same time being involved with shit industry practices by working with Microsoft and Epic?
I think that particular pedestal is pretty fucking deserved.