Why on earth are you taking this so personally? We’re talking about AI image generation, why is your pride involved?
I asked a question about using a different method of detecting AI images using the fact that color brightness does still average out and base values are usually identical and was met with condescension and incorrect information from you as well as to how color in pixel math work.
You asked a question about why tools don’t use an extremely simple method of detecting AI images. I said that wouldn’t work. Initially I misunderstood your question and my response was overly simple, but it wasn’t wrong. Simple methods of detecting AI images don’t work for all AI images.
You started with dismissal and haven’t gotten better.
I didn’t dismiss you. If I had I wouldn’t have bothered to respond. You hadn’t presented much besides a vague question initially, and I disagreed with it.
When you came back with more I presented my position, that AI image generation is much more varied and complicated than your question and YouTube video assume. Just because I’m disagreeing with you and providing context doesn’t mean I’m dismissing you. Dismissing you would be to say, “No, you’re wrong, go away.” Not to explain why the simple method you’re talking about isn’t feasible, broadly, for the entirety of AI images.
If I wanted to dismiss you, I wouldn’t bother wasting my time on a response.
It’s been an argument and an uphill battle to point out that this is true
And you’re accusing me of clinging to my position. 🙄
I wanted a conversation and you wanted to punch down. You still want to be from the pulpit of right because you like your toy.
Where on earth did you get the impression that I want to be right because I like AI image generation? Or that I wanted to punch down?
Someone disagreeing with you and responding to your argument without accepting it isn’t dismissal, it isn’t punching down, it isn’t condescension. It’s engagement with what you’re saying. Just because I don’t agree with you doesn’t mean I think I’m better than you or smarter than you or anything like that, it just means I think I’m right.
TheRealKuni@lemmy.world 3 months ago
(I know you deleted this but I think it’s worth referring to.)
You are accusing me here, again, of dismissing you while simultaneously saying I type too much. These aren’t compatible.
Again, engaging with you and disagreeing isn’t dismissal. It’s conversation. It’s discussion.
Here, how about this:
I thought the video you linked was entertaining. It’s not my thing, but I can understand enjoying their style. And the claims they make are interesting for the value they hold in detecting simple, low-hanging AI fruit. I’ll grant you that.
But what I’m trying to tell you is that such a simple solution isn’t a robust one. It may work for, as I said above, low-hanging fruit. Fine. But again, if AI detection were that simple then people wouldn’t be trying to figure out how to consistently detect AI as the target continues to shift.
What I now find interesting is that you have shifted—when I addressed your video and your arguments—to attacking me and my writing rather than what I wrote. You downvote every reply I make and then try to act high and mighty about how I’m dismissing you or how I’m punching down. You dismiss me and then accuse me of it.
Anyway, I hope you have a good day.