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Comment on Nostalgia and remake culture 3 months agoI’d also like to know why you use those characters. I’m not the most fluent in English, and never saw those characters used. 3 months ago 3 months ago
I’m gonna be honest with you, as a non-english speakers, this is unreadable, and kinda obnoxious.
Please take into consideration that this is an international website, that people from many different countries go to in order to talk to each other. If someone suddenly decide to use his local letters to write, most readers will just not understand what you write. At best it makes you look pedantic, at worst intentionally trying to exclude others from talking with you.
I can understand why others may be irritated by your behavior, albeit I’d condemn any attempt at brigading to harass you over it.
If you feel like it, you can ask for a brigading check to see if some accounts are following you to downvote every ones of your posts, admins can see votes and got some tools to help detect such 3 months ago
Where do I ask for that? 3 months ago
Contact the instance admins. Using either email or DM.
Emai: 3 months ago
They’re old English letters used for writing the two different “th” sounds English has, which are fairly rare phonemes.