There are many scientists who are strict belivers. They just move the act of creation to the big bang.
Comment on Eat lead 4 months ago
the answer completely disregards the fact that people who even remotely understand how these things work wouldn’t believe stupid shit in the first place. there are so many ways for this guy to just dismiss this.
how would you even know, you can’t have studied these for billions of years
who says lead only can exist in this manner
what is this is true but god also made lead along with the earth
etc etc… this is very weak if the goal is really try to convince this guy to look into some things rather than smell your own farts. 4 months ago 4 months ago
yeah the insistence of creation meaning it happens in an instant is just demonstrably not warranted. we already say god created us. and we know we don’t come into existence in full adult form in an instant. we have a whole birth-baby-toddler-kid-teen-adult transformation. and before that we know there is a whole process in the womb. so when god creates a person he puts an entire process into motion. why can this not be the case for the entire universe? why not evolution? are they saying that god couldn’t have thought of a system? I find it weird. 4 months ago
so when god creates a person
Ok, a physicist is not a biologist. 4 months ago
I don’t get the connection… are you referring to god? 4 months ago
My farts are delicious thank you very much.