4 months ago
Lidia is losing here attention seeking edginess. She needs to smear herself in shit while yelling sexist and racist comments or something. We still don’t care.
I don’t know why she gets attention for saying the least controversial thing that which is mainstream popular opinion in Australia. Except ofcourse the media is controlled by out of touch regressive monarchist elites who want to lump the rest of us in the crazy bin for wanting a modern independent Australia. 4 months ago
I think the problem is that mainstream Australian culture, and especially our media, is heavily into respectability politics. They hate anything that upsets the status quo. It’s the same as when people oppose pro-climate protests. They claim to be supportive of the message, but say things like “this protest makes me disagree with you”. 4 months ago
I think it is more about framing than values. The leading media frame the discussion in biased and emotive terms that then carries over unquestioning into other media, the pub, workplace and social media. Lidia isn’t the only person speaking up for indigenous rights or questioning the monarchy but the others rarely get coverage. Lidia seeks attention and the media uses it for their own purposes and they both get what they want.
There is nothing more Australian than disrespect for authority the media tells us when mythogolizing the Anzacs. What could be more Aussie than a digger not saluting British officers. The media tells us implicitly who can protest and who can’t, who is deserving of a voice and who isn’t and which authorities can be questioned and which can not. 4 months ago
protest that doesn’t disrupt isn’t going to reach anyone.
I was chuffed to hear her on shouting at the twat on BBC.